WebLecture Player
The player is written in HTML/CSS/JS. You need a modern browser and the Flash plugin if your browser is not HTML5 compliant.
The player has been tested on the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher.
If you need help, please contact
GitHub project: weblecture-player
Created at CERN by:
- Tarocco Nicola - ntarocco@cern.ch - GitHub
- Marek Domaracky - marek.domaracky@cern.ch
with the contribution of
- Vocella Simon - svocella@cern.ch
- Lopez Lorys - lorys.lopez@cern.ch
This is a free open source project. You can use it, fork it and contribute to it on
GitHub. See the license file for more information.